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Studio Fredi Gertsch

Elfenweg 12, 3400 Burgdorf


I work in the studio at different times, so please register in advance so that we don't miss each other. Thank you.


+41 79 301 74 99 or +41 79 379 74 17

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Return Policy

I want you to LOVE your artwork! If you don't like the work of art, you have the option of sending it back within 10 days of receipt (shipping costs on your invoice). As soon as the work of art reaches us undamaged, you will receive a full refund of the purchase price. For a refund or replacement, please contact us by SMS +41 79 301 74 99 or by email at


For orders damaged during shipping, we offer a refund or free replacement. For a refund or replacement, please contact us by SMS +41 79 301 74 99 or by email at

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